Verification authenticates the legitimacy of your documents facilitating:


Admission to U.S. educational


Employment opportunities requiring
specific qualifications


Professional licensure and
certification in the U.S.

Verification is required for the highest post-secondary (university) credential per country. For example, if you have a bachelor’s degree & master’s degree from Nigeria, verification is only required for the master’s degree. If your bachelor’s degree is from Nigeria and your master’s degree is from England, verification is required for both degrees.

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Please note that we must receive your documents in an official manner before we release your final evaluation. Professional degrees must also be verified before your evaluation is released to you. Finally, some institutions will only accept your final, authenticated evaluation report. Please check with your applying institution about their requirements for accepting TEC evaluations. For more information about the verification process, please see our Verification Guide.


There are two ways to authenticate your documents with TEC:


Option 1 - Applicant Arranged Verification

You can arrange to have your institution send us your documents directly (via mail or email). Please note that we must receive your documents in an official manner before we release your final evaluation to you.


Option 2 - TEC Document Verification Service (DVS)

Alternatively, you can request TEC’s Document Verification Service (DVS) at an additional cost. We’ll reach out to your institution to confirm the authenticity of your documents. Response time may vary by country and institution. Please note that DVS is not a document retrieval service. You will still be required to provide scanned copies of your official transcripts as part of the application process. For a schedule of fees, please contact us.

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